
Senin, 23 Mei 2016

Organizing My Writing Stuff with pictures!

I cant wait to hear your 2013 Writing Goals. Me? Well, I havent set any. Im focusing right now on organizing all my papers and ideas, written on all sorts of different things.

I bought a large plastic tub at Office Depot, and it holds hanging file folders. It also holds my ebook, which Ive printed and put in a binder. Ill be working on updating that soon, but in the meantime it is still my own best resource for getting published. I like the tub because I can tuck it away when Im not writing and drag it out when I actually get some time to hunker down and write. With a traveling, working-a-lot husband, that is not so often!

Anyway, here are some of my hanging file folder titles:

Ideas for regional parenting magazines
Ideas for national parenting magazines
Ideas for religious magazines
Ideas for homeschooling magazines
Ideas for writing magazines
Ebook ideas

[notice how nothing is in alphabetical order? you have to set up your system how it will work for you!]

Book ideas
Published clips
Financials (check stubs, invoices, signed writer contracts)
General writing information

And more, but Im writing this while my kids play at Mickey Ds, so I dont have the tub in front of me. I dont, like, HAUL it everywhere with me!

So Im dying to know how you stay organized and what your goals are!

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