
Kamis, 26 Mei 2016

Tips for shutdown computer fast

Most of people wish their computer is move fast and fast. At the same time they face a problem occur if computer took a long tome to shut down. Here some tips regarding to shut down fast and more efficient.

The speed and performance of computer has a strong related with a computer shutdown. Make sure you computer can shutdown fast using the code.

You may just setting your computer with:

  1. First go to start and select run 
  2. Type Regedit and just click OK
  3. Find HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop 
  4. Select "waittokillapptimeout"
  5. Right click and change it to modify
  6. Change the value to 1000
  7. Then click OK
  8. Finish and reboot your computer.
other than that you may shutdown yout computer more fast within 3 seconds with your keyboard.

Just press window logo+ and u (button for twice).

That is.

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