
Selasa, 24 Mei 2016

Sell Your Reprints Residual Income Make Money to Write About Your Kids for 4 99 This Week

Okay, I realize a lot of you are seeing this or getting this in your email inbox because you already have the ebook Make Money to Write About Your Kids: Get Published in Parenting and Family Magazines.

For those who dont know what it is, here is the description AND I want you to know that for the next FIVE DAYS ONLY it is on Kindle Countdown for only $4.99 ... which is half the normal price, which is always a steal. Youll see! If you hate it, get a refund! If you love it, get in touch with me, start writing, tell your writer friends and writer groups about this Little Engine That Could resource that has changed lives but remains still, sadly, under the radar. Heres how to purchase!

My bet is that quite often you read a magazine or online article and say to yourself, “I could have written that – and better!” So you write your essay or article. Then what? Where do you submit it? Do you give up at this point? I’ve seen it happen too many times. Your writing dreams are crushed and those paychecks are never going to show up in your mailbox. 

Think of this ebook as your writing angel. It has 16 chapters of useful information before it dives into 239 paying markets, complete with submission email addresses, submission guidelines and pay information. This is the 5th edition of the ebook, and over the years it has been perfected to include not just regional markets such as San Diego Family, BC Parent, Orlando Family and more, but also has added national markets such as FamilyFun, BabyTalk, Parents, Parenting, Homeschooling Today and many more. 

I have personally been published in 138 regional parenting magazines in print and online since publishing this resource, all while maintaining a home, a marriage and homeschooling. I love being able to be at home with my kids while also living my dream of writing and making money for my family. I can get my work done mostly while the kids sleep and then head out to the pool or to the zoo with them! I want other mom and dad writers to be able to realize their dreams, as well. And, of course, you dont have to be a parent to write for and sell your reprints to these regional parenting publications!

*Please email me at mommykerrie at yahoo dot com after your purchase so I can send you the FREE at-a-glance spreadsheet that simply did not look right on the Kindle format! It has all the magazines, emails, approximate pay and state. 

You can find the list of publications I have worked with here:

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