
Minggu, 22 Mei 2016

Query Quest What Do I Name It

I need your advice because I keep putting off querying to the national magazines, keep draggggggging my feet. My basic roadblock is something very simple: organization. I have to figure out a system in Excel so I can keep track of what I sent where and when, and when to follow up. For now, though, I have the problem of what to NAME the little boogers and how to store them.

Of course Ill have a folder under Writing called Queries. Then do I make subfolders by query or by publication?

Publications would include:

  • Pregnancy & Newborn
  • Parents
  • Parenting
  • Family Fun
  • Todays Parent
  • Etc.

Queries would include:

  • Holiday Sanity
  • Teen Dating
  • Kids and Cell Phones
  • Pregnancy Sleep Disruption Solutions
  • Etc.

Lets say a query gets rejected. I want to be able to go back to the right file and put REJECTED in front of the file name so I know. Im thinking I file by PUBLICATION, then put the right QUERY under that.

How would you/do you organize your writing?

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