
Minggu, 22 Mei 2016

FamilyFun Submission Guidelines WritingMarkets FamilyFun

These guidelines are taken from my research in compiling my ebook full of parenting and family magazine markets. Im currently working on the 7th edition in ebook and print formats and still have over 200 regional, national and online parenting and family markets for you to submit to and make money! Enjoy! (P.S. Its free on Kindle Unlimited so you can check it out before you buy your print copy to mark up!)

Founded in 1991, FamilyFun is the country’s number-one magazine for families with children ages 3 to 12. On every page, we give parents the information and inspiration they need to create unforgettable family moments. We’re the trusted experts on family cooking, vacations, parties, holidays, crafts, and learning—all the essentials that enrich the precious time families share. To our two million subscribers, FamilyFun is where they can find a community of parents and discover ways to build strong, healthy families.

Please familiarize yourself with the magazine before sending a query. (You can buy digital back issues at the App Store or subscribe at We are always looking for professional freelancers who are expert in the art of playful, creative parenting. Content must be fun, family-tested, affordable, and uncomplicated. We strive to entertain and inform with a writing style that is direct, upbeat, and personal. Note that our highly visual layouts dictate brevity, and our emphasis on activities means we do not publish child-development articles, fiction, or poetry.

Articles are scheduled and assigned at least five months before publication. Please e-mail queries to the addresses given below. We accept unsolicited manuscripts only for Idea of the Month and our Explore travel section. Queries should describe the content, structure, and tone of the proposed article. We receive many queries on the same topics, so please be as specific as possible about what makes your idea unique and why you are qualified to write about it. If appropriate, attach digital photographs or sketches of the finished project, food, or craft. Due to the large volume of submissions, allow six to eight weeks for a response.

Our features present activities that are entertaining for the whole family, relatively inexpensive, and easy to do. Specific topics include food, crafts, parties, holiday celebrations, games, creative solutions to common household problems, educational projects, and home organizing and decorating. Travel features focus on ideas and strategies for family outings and vacations. Destinations should be moderately priced, offer exceptional value, and cater to the needs of families. Food features present recipes that have a track record with families—dishes that are fun both to make and to eat.

Length: 850 to 3,000 words
Compensation: $1.25 per word upon acceptance
Send to:
Subject line: Features

Idea of the Month showcases a practical, innovative solution to a problem common among families: a game that get kids excited about doing chores, for instance, or a fun way to encourage kids to write thank-yous. Written as a first-person narrative essay, it describes how an idea changed or inspired a family.

Length: 600 words
Compensation: $750 upon acceptance
Submissions: Queries accepted, manuscripts preferred
Send to:
Subject line: Idea of the Month
More Great Ideas features simple, clever ways to solve common household problems or to have fun as a family.

Length: 50 to 200 words
Compensation: $100 upon publication
Send to:
Subject line: Great Ideas

How We Have Fun offers a visually interesting photograph and a short first-person description of a special family moment or tradition. This is a column open to reader submissions, so payment is our standard $100.

Length: 50 to 200 words
Compensation: $100 upon publication
Send to:
Subject line: How We Have Fun

The Explore section rotates formats (Getaways, We Tried It, and more) and features family travel and vacation ideas and planning strategies. Pieces can be process-oriented or destination-specific; most are first-person. We rarely cover international travel or expensive American resorts or programs.

Length: 600 to 900 words
Compensation: $1.25 per word upon acceptance; $100 for the idea if we opt to use a staff writer
Submissions: Manuscript or query
Send to:
Subject line: Explore

The Create section has several departments that include pieces by freelance contributors:

Make It: simple, fun, practical, and inexpensive projects and crafts.

Keepsakes: a craft that serves as a gift, reminder, or souvenir related to a significant family event, family tradition, or holiday, such as Mother’s Day.

Treat of the Month: a snack or dessert that uses food as art in an original and entertaining way.

Length: N/A; please send ideas only (no finished manuscripts)
Compensation: $200 per idea
Send to:
Subject lines: Make It, Keepsakes, or Treat of the Month

Kids in the Kitchen features easy-to-make dishes that parents and kids can prepare together. Each recipe encourages families to have fun in the kitchen and introduces basic cooking techniques and food knowledge.

Length: 250 to 500 words
Compensation: $1.25 per word upon acceptance
Send to:
Subject line: Kids in the Kitchen

Let’s Party offers affordable ways to celebrate holidays and birthdays or just make an ordinary day special. It includes four to six foods, decorations, treats, games, or party crafts related to the article’s theme, e.g., “spa party.”

Length: N/A; please send ideas only (no finished manuscripts)
Compensation: $100 to $200 per idea
Send to:
Subject line: Let’s Party

Healthy Family provides creative, practical information—strategies, tips—on how to be active, eat well, and feel great.

Length: 100 to 300 words
Compensation: $1.25 per word upon acceptance; $100 to $200 for the idea if we opt to use a staff writer
Send to:
Subject line: Healthy Family

Happy Home features creative, useful ideas for the home, yard, and garden. We look for practical approaches to getting organized, fun ways to decorate, and new products. The ideas must be easy, affordable, and realistic. The column is rarely assigned, but we do buy submitted ideas.

Length: 700 words
Compensation: $100 to $200 per idea; $875 for entire column
Send to:
Subject line: Happy Home

Favorite Things highlights parent-recommended family entertainment products and gear, such as toys, books, DVDs, video games, music, and more.

Length: 50 to 200 words
Compensation: $1.25 per word
Send email to:

Subject line: Favorite Things

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