
Sabtu, 07 Mei 2016

My Ideal Writing Day WorkingFromHome

Do you ever think about your ideal working or writing day from home? I also call it my Dream Writing Day.

My dream writing day would have more than 24 hours in it. Maybe like 50 hours.

I would not have to take breaks to eat or pee. My little kids would not need me to come sit with them on the steps while they pee because they are scared of monsters. They also would not need to eat. HA!

I would have unlimited energy.

I would have plenty of time for homeschooling my kids in a quality manner and to have fun with them outside of the house as well.

I would go for an hour walk, listening to helpful podcasts about writing and saving money.

I would have a clean email inbox with everything in its place and nothing in the inbox. As emails would come in, I would take care of them, print them for my planner or move them where they go.

I would finish my Tater Tot Casserole ebook update with improvements and also get it uploaded to CreateSpace for print because it is SOCLOSE to being done.

I would then rock out the 7th edition of my Make Money to Write About Your Kids because the 6th edition is about a year old and IT IS TIME FOR THE UPDATE.

I would then begin on a NEW PROJECT (one of about 10) that has been on my mind for a book.

I would write one post for each of my 75 blogs (okay, its not that many but I have a lot and I love them all and they each represent an aspect of who I am and what I can offer readers), especially this one, which is really taking off and is all about our finances!

I think a key for me is COMPLETING SOMETHING, anything. Instead of working 10 minutes here and there on a project, I have to force myself to complete ONE THING. And a problem I have is HYPERFOCUS. I get afraid to start on a project all-in because I neglect other things that need to be done when I get all into one project. I have trouble stopping once I start and often thats why I dont even start.

What does your dream writing day look like and what are your challenges?

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