Okay, just looking at the cover of this book makes me itchy. Not that I am a neat freak by any means. But I do like to be able to FIND things, and you dont have to have 5 kids like me to get very disorganized VERY fast. You can check this label here to see some of my Tackle-it Tuesday projects Ive had going on in the past.
As for writing, you should see the stack of JUNK papers on top of my desk and then in my drawers and then in a large pink tub off to the side, hidden from site. Its full of things I want to get to someday, things that will MAKE ME MONEY to write about, but I cant get past my scary stack sitting right next to me. I needed help, and I needed this book.
If I am more organized, I am get more done ... more work-like, money-making things that result in a vacation with my family, moving to the country, fulfilling dreams. Simple as that.
So if the cover makes me itchy, the table of contents makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
Section 1 is Before We Begin Organizing (cool, so you arent just going to start firing instructions at me)
Section 2 is Lets Get Organized (and is it just me who sees the word LEGO in there?)
Section 3 is Staying Organized which is my biggest challenge ... within a month a table or a space is craptastic once again at my place
Section 4 is Resources
Heres the Amazon listing so you can buy it on Kindle if you prefer, but at least you have take a peek inside at the full table of contents this way! The author has organized the homes of people and I have been to her home and IT IS ORGANIZED and she is a WRITER who has published other books and does so by keeping her space organized!
I am confident that I can get my house in amazing order with just a handful of Sundays (I dont organize a whole lot during the week because Im working/homeschooling, but on Sundays during the winter I am going to be all over this book, making notes and checking off things as I do them!) Once my house is all good and my mind is off that, I can focus on my WRITING CENTER.
Heres the Rafflecopter below so you can enter to win a copy of this great book, but if you are dying to have this book for yourself or to sneak to someone else, you can order by writing the author herself at shuckchristine at gmail dot com (gotta watch out for those spammers, you know), and she is happy to give you a nice discount on the book! Instead of the original $15 + shipping price, shes going to send it to you for only $11 including shipping. Its a book that will change your life!
P.S. Check out her blog ... you can find her on the right-hand side of this page ... Christine Shuck, Writer at Large.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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