
Jumat, 13 Mei 2016

BlogHer ads for your blog paid social media

I love BlogHer so much. Every time I log on to deal with my ads or my social media touts (logging when and where I did social media for a campaign I get paid for), I always get sucked into the posts on the front page. Without fail there is something that catches my interest and I usually end up commenting and getting a great idea for an article or post of my own in the future with my own angle.

A few years ago I signed up to see if I could get BlogHer ads on my main blog, The Kerrie Show. They accepted me and sent me the paperwork via email and then, not having internet at home and not checking my other email account often enough, I dropped the ball and lost out. I re-applied, was accepted again and this time got in all my stuff despite my internet and fax challenges.

*Im not saying everyone with a blog will be accepted to BlogHer

What does all this mean? It means I have their ads on my blog. I dont make much on that but its based on views and not clicks so the more traffic I have the more money I make. Currently Im making about $5 per month from ads and thats based on not even 2K visitors per month. So if you have a decent blog with decent traffic, you could make some good money.

Then there are the social media projects. These pay $50 for 8 tweets or Facebook posts, usually. Sometimes theyll pay $25 for 4. Sometimes you can do a sponsored post for good money, or get involved in a Twitter party. This is where I make my money: from the social media posting. In February alone I was involved with about 5 programs at $50 each, which will pay via PayPal within about 45 days.

So theres my personal experience with BlogHer over the last few years. They dont want you to have other ads or rude content, but other than that you can post as often as you want. They like you to post at least 3 times per week.

Heres a good post out of hundreds, called On the Pursuit of Blogging Fame.

Give it a shot!

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