The Sticky Business Factor
May 20
7:14 AM
A business partner said my idea was too sticky.
He meant it in a bad way. But at least he said it with a smile on his face.
My partner was referring to a business with endless tentacles, paperwork, overhead costs, government red tape and a potential lawsuit magnet.
Im sure youve heard about or been involved with a sticky business on some level. I tend avoid them like the plague.
Thats why I was surprised when my partner suggested my idea was too sticky
..the nerve.
In my launching, reviewing and advising hundreds of business ideas and products over the last 29 years or so, only a fraction of them could be considered non-stick.
However, that doesnt mean sticky businesses arent profitable.
The stickiest business I ever saw was also one of the most profitable
.transporting hazardous (and nuclear) waste.
The entrepreneurs who worked this venture could make $20,000 to $70,000 per load. The cost (and headaches) of running this business included retrofitted tractor trailers, maintenance (cleaning), drivers, government inspections, insurance, fuel, special licenses and certifications.
I wouldnt recommend transporting hazardous waste for anyone without political connections, world class insurance, smart people and very deep pockets.
On top of that, youll need nerves of steel. My friends were threatened, shot at and their transport vehicles were sabotaged.
There is a boatload of businesses in the non-stick category. When I dissected the business idea I mentioned earlier for my partner he reluctantly agreed it wasnt as sticky as he thought
.the nerve.
Granted, nothing is non-stick or problem free all the time.
The bestselling non-stick frying pans rarely offer a money back guarantee should something stick.
A great non-stick business I found focuses on a hot rising trend called China.
Actually, the business focuses on Chinese products, commerce and worldwide demand. Ill tell you about it in a second.
But first, Id like to show you some new things developing in China right now. These things leverage the opportunity in a big way.
According the Financial Times China has opened the floodgate of cash reserves to get their export machine cranked up again. Apparently some Chinese (in powerful places) believe the financial crisis the last two years is receding.
Money is flowing to entrepreneurs and businesses again like it did pre-2007.
Granted, Brazil is getting the lions share of attention (and money) lately because theyre surpassing the US as Chinas largest trading partner.
But entrepreneurs in any country can leverage the China trend and a non-stick business I discovered by becoming a finder
..more on this in a second.
Another issue is Chinas currency.
Import and export entrepreneurs are wondering if theyll suffer a backlash over Chinas currency policy. Its a no-brainer Chinese wants to control the value of their currency (Yuan) against all other currencies.
But Chinas currency has a couple of things going for it. First, Chinas economy is relatively stable compared to the US and other countries, and second they have low government debt.
Im not an economist
but a sound economy and limited government typically increases the relative value of a currency.
In real world currency trading China wont be able to control much of anything, if they plan to do business with other countries.
But overall the Chinese currency should play a major role in international commerce in a good way.
China needs trading partners to survive. The country does not have the resources to be self sufficient. Thats a good thing for the non-stick business I found.
China needs to make and export products to the world, as well as import and consume them.
China is a living, breathing money monster which needs to be fed.
.Chinas population is still growing like wildfire despite all the restrictions on having kids.
According to the World Bank Chinas population was 1.3 billion in 2009 (1,356,359,928 as of January 2011).
And get this
Chinese planners want to merge nine cities around the Pearl River Delta in the southern part of the country. This would create the largest mega city in the world with a population of 42 million people. This is greater than the entire population of California (39 million)!
China has unlocked the cash vault, the population is skyrocketing and they need trading partners to survive.
A non-stick business opportunity
The opportunity is about bringing buyers and sellers together and earning a percentage of each deal. This is also referred to as an import export finder.
I saw this opportunity in action the first time in Wausau Wisconsin.
The entrepreneur was making money as a finder connecting buyers in China with sellers in the US. His product was the herb ginseng. The buyers were Chinese distributors and retail stores.
The herb ginseng is still wildly popular in China.
The import export finder opportunity is one of the hottest non-stick opportunities around.
By non-stick I m referring to a business minus the tentacles, paperwork, inventory, buildings, employees (unless you want them), red tape, and massive overhead costs.
When youre a finder you match buyers with sellers or visa versa and make money if and when a transaction is completed.
In most cases a finder simply facilitate deals or makes introductions to prospective partners.
And the best part is the lawsuit magnet aspect is almost eliminated.
Granted, one downside to this business is the learning curve
..and dont kid yourself, it takes time. There are no exceptions if you want to learn this business.
But in my research I stumbled on a website which can accelerate the learning curve a hundred fold.
On top of that, I was so impressed with the impact the site, market and trend was having on entrepreneurs I developed what became known as the Importing Fortunes.
Importing Fortunes is the most comprehensive resource library, how to course and interactive community in the world. See what entrepreneurs are saying about it here.
China is on the move again and theres money to be made.
China was crippled by the financial turmoil over the past two years just like every else. But theyve opened the cash spigot enabling companies to import and export products again!
In addition, there are more than 114,000 importers and exporters registered on right now.
There are more than a million companies and entrepreneurs registered on
Most of these companies and entrepreneurs are aggressively seeking business partners and deals as we speak.
Most of these companies and entrepreneurs are aggressively seeking business partners and deals as we speak.
People have compared AliExpress and to eBay.
But the comparison is weak.
eBay focuses on the consuming masses. And eBay is a great place to sell imported products!
AliExpress and focus on businesses and entrepreneurs.
This is one of the great non-stick business opportunities of the 21st century.
Is the opportunity a good fit for you? Im not sure. But its worth a peak.
Marc Charles is often referred to as "The King of Business Opportunities." He is a regular contributor to Early to Rise, The Liberty Street Letter and International Living. Hes written dozens of bestselling e-books, courses, and special reports on business and moneymaking opportunities. He recently launched Importing Fortunes and MicroGig Riches.
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