
Kamis, 17 Maret 2016

The Truth About “Smart Drugs” Revealed! by Marc Charles

7:22 AM


Ive enclosed a sales letter / landing page I wrote for a client and his "brain vitamins".

The open rate to date is about 14% -- click thru is about 7%.


Marc Charles

The Truth About “Smart Drugs” Revealed!

How to Boost Brain Power Naturally….with NO Side effects

On the 60 Minutes TV show recently the truth about the insidious side effects of so-called “smart drugs” was revealed.

But we don’t need 60 Minutes to tell us the truth.

There are millions of pages of documents and research available online regarding the dangerous effects of drugs like Ritalin and Aderall.

There’s much better, safer and powerful way to BOOST brain power.

The way is called nootropic (pronounced “new tropic).

These are also referred to as smart drugs, memory enhancers, and neuro-enhancers.

But our emphasis is NATURAL nootropics not pharmaceutical drugs.
Our powerful, natural approach to boosting brain power is called Focus Kick.

FocusKick produces real results and benefits!

Focus Kick Benefits:
  • IMPROVES memory and attention
  • INCREASES mental concentration and focus
  • ENHANCES SPEED learning and information recall
  • SHARPENS mental clarity and critical thinking
  • BOOSTS mental alertness and energy levels
  • RAISES intelligence and self-confidence!
A Stronger, Healthier Brain

FocusKick is a premium cognitive performance supplement that is designed to increase sustained brain power and concentration precisely when you need it.

Using decades of independent brain research data to help formulate the most cutting-edge cognitive enhancing supplement, weve designed the ultimate premium brain support complex thats powerful enough for the intellectually demanding academic, but safe enough for regular use

Scientific Proof!

Boosting Brain Power Naturally

Nutritional compounds in FocusKick are supported by hundreds of scientific research studies referenced in peer-reviewed academic and professional journals from around the world.

The active ingredients in FocusKick are designed to cultivate neural and synaptic acceleration in a healthy, all-natural way.

Our herbal-centric brain supplements are currently one of the best kept nootropic secrets at top academic institutions and elite sports training facilities nationwide.*

FocusKick Results!

This stuff is amazing! I was hesitant at first, but with the risk-free guarantee I knew I didnt have anything to lose. I dont like taking pills, but this was too good to pass up. Once I ordered I never looked back. I dont even drink coffee in the morning any more. I take FocusKick first thing once I get to the office. Then, while all my coworkers are still trying to wake up as they hit the coffee pot for their second or third cup, Ive already finished practically an entire days work by mid-morning."
                                                                                 Heather S., Austin, Age 21

"Lets be honest. Its sickening that prescription drugs are abused like candy on college campuses. My friend legitimately has ADD. Hes a great guy, but struggles through school. Suddenly hes the most popular guy on campus around finals week? Thats cheating in my book. Academia can be unfair, so I tried FocusKick instead of trying other substances. I needed to hit the books hard, but I did it the honest, healthy way. I tried something natural.
FocusKick is a life saver. ...By the way, I aced all of my finals!"

Addy R., New Orleans, Age 22

"Curiosity is what finally won me over. I ordered FocusKick on a whim, but Im so glad I did. I had a major project due at work and I couldnt find the focus necessary to sift through the details. Your product saved me. I managed to stay up all night and meet my deadlines in record time. My coworkers didnt fair so well. After all the hustle I received major recognition at work. Thanks so much. This stuff really works."
                                                                               Bob V., St. Louis, MO, Age 26

9 Reasons to Try FocusKick Today

Reason #1 Improve Brain Performance
Whether you’re an ambitious student or a dedicated athlete looking for the ultimate, all-natural mental performance edge, FocusKickis definitely for you. According to research published in the academic journal of Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, Huperzine A (just one of many active compounds found in
FocusKick) was shown to improve cognitive function during a randomized, double-blind study. (Ref.: Cell Biochem. Biophys. 2012 Jan;62(1):55-8.)*

Reason #2 Increase Memory and Speed Reaction
Numerous therapeutic active ingredients, including DMAE, found in FocusKick are designed to reduce memory deficits and speed recall. During clinical trials of DMAE usage published in the journal of Psychopharmacology, researchers found evidence of effectively reducing memory deficiencies in patients with cognitive impairment. (Ref.: Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2009 Dec;207(2):201-12. Epub 2009 Sep 16.)Visit our "Brain Blog" for more extensive academic and professional references from independent third party researchers.

Reason #3 Customer Service - 110% Guarantee
Every bottle of FocusKick is backed by a
110% money-back guarantee. Plus, you’ll also receive a 60-day risk-free trial. In fact, if you are not completely satisfied for any reason, you can return the bottles empty and we will still refund 110% of your purchase price. We do this not just because we know our product works, but also because we care about our customers and want them to have the best experience possible. There is absolutely no risk in trying FocusKick - zero to lose, everything to gain.

Reason #4 Premium Quality
Active compounds found in FocusKick are supported by extensive research. FocusKick is manufactured for safety and premium quality in a temperature-controlled routinely inspected facility that ensures precision accuracy of all materials at every step of production. Product purity is verified through independent third party analysis. FocusKick facilities maintain the highest
Standards of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs).

Reason #5 No Side Effects
FocusKick is safe. Absolutely no adverse side effects have ever been reported since the original product was introduced. Active compounds found in FocusKick are supported by meticulous research. Countless years of manufacturing experience have combined with hundreds of scientific studies and professional references to support the effectiveness of active ingredients found in each dose of FocusKick.

Reason #6 Non-Stimulant Alternative
FocusKick offers a superior non-stimulant alternative to typical cognitive enhancing supplements. FocusKick "Phase I : Essential Formula" provides a caffeine-free, non-stimulant alternative, while FocusKick "Phase II : Advanced Formula" (COMING SOON!) offers a more aggressive herbal-centered stimulant-added performance option. The vast majority of brain supplements and energy drinks are loaded with empty calories, excessive amounts of sugar, and highly-addictive stimulants that result in acute lethargy within a short period of digestion. FocusKick takes a radically different approach by providing an all-natural, healthy herbal alternative thats been both time-tested and scientifically documented to boost mental performance.*

Reason #7 Lasting Energy
FocusKick helps aid your bodys ability to support healthy mental alertness through well-balanced proper brain nutrition. Ingredients found in FocusKick help boost the bodys absorption of cognitive enhancing enzymes that are recognized as nutrients by the body and gently absorbed in such a way as to help you literally feel the difference within moments of the first dose.

Reason #8 Saves Time & Money
FocusKick takes a balanced approach to proper nutrition. We believe that real, all-natural, fresh food is the best form of nutrition to help the body process essential vitamins and nutrients. However, we also recognize that a fully balanced approach to brain food requires a tremendous investment in both time and money. Spending countless hours in the grocery store and clipping coupons to find the best deals just isnt the most efficient use of your time, money, and energy. Nevertheless, proper brain health and concentration power remains critical. FocusKick helps solve the problem by using quality research to formulate a comprehensive blend of cognitive enhancing herbs and vitamins that dont overload the body with unnecessary fillers.

Reason #9 Fits Any Diet
FocusKick is all-natural and consists of absolutely no compromises in quality. FocusKick contains no added sugar, no artificial colors or sweeteners, no GMO’s, no herbicides or pesticides, no wheat, dairy, gluten, lactose, sucrose or animal products of any kind. It is safe, compact, low/no calorie designed, and suitable for anyone on a special diet. Every ingredient in FocusKick works synergistically to boost cognitive performance and rapid absorption upholding the premium quality standard best known as
Minimum Effective Load.
(Ref:Filloon, T. G. (1995), Estimating the Minimum Therapeutically Effective Dose of a Compound via Regression Modeling and Percentile Estimation. Statistics in Medicine., 14: 925–932.)*

FocusKick relies only on research-based performance enhancing ingredients that produce results.

FocusKick implements what works and eliminates anything unnecessary. We also divulge exactly whats in our product instead of hiding behind buzz words, gimmicks, and patent-pending corporate jargon.

We believe in science and healthy nutrition-based premium cognitive performance enhancement. 

Try FocusKick FREE

Today Only!

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We’ll send you a sample of FocusKick absolutely free.[MCS4] 

If you’d like to skip the sample and order FocusKick

Click Here to Order

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