Welcome to another edition of Markets for Parenting Writers brought to you by ... me! If youd like to check out dozens upon dozens more such markets, all paying, check out my reasonably priced book here!

Freelancers are welcome in all sections of Babble.
If youre interested in writing for us, please follow these guidelines:
Use Babble search to see if your topic has been covered already.
If not, indicate in the subject line of your email what section of Babble your piece would run: pregnancy, baby, toddler, kid, mom, celebrity,prodcuts, or food. Mom is the general category subsuming mom/parent identity, health, and relationship issues.
Example subject line: Article for Mom: I Hate Going to the Park, Am I the Only One?
As concisely as possible, indicate if youve written for Babble before (include links to articles) and include 2-3 links to other things youve written. If youve never been published, thats ok. Just let us know.
Tell us the topic of your piece in 1-2 lines maximum. If you cant explain it easily, its not ready to pitch. Then explain your angle your new contribution to the topic, whats insightful/entertaining/counter-intuitive/poignant about your approach. For this, again, 1-2 lines maximum. Give us the first paragraph of the piece and then an outline of the rest. If its a list, include a few sample entries.
If the piece is already written, include it as an attachment. We are unable to accept articles that have been published elsewhere, including on personal blogs.
Only submit a piece once and please dont follow up. Because of the volume of submissions, we cant respond to everyone who writes us. If you dont hear back, assume we decided not to accept it. Sorry about that.
Please direct all submissions to submissions@babble.com.
Kerrie says: Found out from a source that they pay around $150 for a 800-1,200 word piece, and I dont know if they accept reprints.
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