10 Ways to Know that You’re in Love
Love; one of the most popular searches Google makes every day, is an emotion of passion, fondness, and sincere devotion to someone we really fancy. Love has been defined in various contexts. From a passionate commitment, to a driver of great stories; yet one thing all definitions have in common is that someone who is in love with an intimate companion is enclosed in a state of mind where their heart and mind lusts for the other person, accepting them as they are, and feeling satisfied in their presence. We all, at some time in our lives, undergo a feeling of infatuation which is commonly mistaken for love. So, in order to avoid such a glitch with a special someone, here are 10 ways which will help you figure it out: 
1.Can you go by a few hours without thinking of the person?
You don’t have to be obsessed about the person, but if the person crosses you’re mind every once in a while when they aren’t there, or if certain circumstances like a book or a movie, trigger thoughts of the person, you may just be in love with them. Their absence may make you feel empty and you may find yourself searching for excuses to hear their voice or just talk to them. However, if the person doesn’t cross your mind often and you could probably go on a week or month without thinking about him/her, you are not likely to be in love.2.Does the opinion of the person matter to you?
If youre in love, then the other person and their voice of thought, and perspective should carry some importance to you. Their thoughts and what they have to say are something which should leave an influence on you. You should be willing to listen to them with concern and understanding. If you give them the cold shoulder at such times, or overlook their opinion, then you are definitely not in a state of love. Taking into account the person’s ideas when making a big decision, or if you value someone’s opinion in time of a social crisis, makes you serious enough to be in love with him/her.3.Do you feel like you can be yourself with the person?
When you are with the person, you should be happy and comfortable just the way that you are. The person should also appreciate you as you are, and bring out the best in you. If you have to pretend or act in a certain way that doesn’t make you happy, then you are not really in love because the person may not be prepared to accept you as who you truly are. You should never have to worry about sounding stupid and just be confident in your own ways and maintain your individuality. Being with the person should make you feel like you are in the best possible version of yourself.4.Are you aware of the person’s flaws and prepared to accept them?
With no doubt, nobody is perfect and envisioning the perfect and flawless life partner is quite impractical. If you are aware of the imperfections of the person and are okay with them then you are in love. Love is not seeing someone as perfect, but rather being able to confess their flaws and even laugh about them openly. If you see no flaws, then you may not know the person as well you may have thought you did.sans-serif;">
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