
Kamis, 02 Juni 2016

8 reasons why I have not submitted to VectorStock com has been around for many years. It sells nothing, but vector. Many top vector artists have submitted to VectorStock simply because they do not have better options. They need to generate their income as much as possible.

However, I for once have not submitted anything to VectorStock because of the 8 reasons below.

1. VectorStock had denied my application as a contributor... twice. I have submitted the below two vectors in two different occasions, and their response is...
Thank you for your sample submission.
We have reviewed your sample and do not feel your work is suitable for the VectorStock library at this time.
You may re-submit a new sample for reviewing if you feel you can illustrate a different style.
Visit the FAQ for more information.
Best Regards
VectorStock Team
Below are the two vectors I submitted to VectorStock on different occasions and both have been denied for not suitable.

2. I believe my sales will be poor and unworthy. Although, this page (most download) shows us that there are indeed sales, but the performance of their new files are utterly disappointing. Take a look at their latest vectors and browse the pagination up to as many as you can. You will see that 99% of the files have 0 download. I dont mind if older files will eventually sell, but try to browse up to page 1000, and you will still be seeing 0 download for 99% of the files.

3. They sell us cheap. For a start, you earns 25% of your sales. All your files are priced at only USD1. That means that if you sell a vector, you only make USD0.25. Mind you that this is not even a subscription rate download, but a totally on-demand download. You cannot compare this rate to site like Shutterstock because Shutterstock sells at least 1000 times more than a low earners like this.

4. VectorStock uploading process is lame. They want you to reduce your artwork size to 380 x 400. Ohh, please, you are actually troubling ten thousand artists out there just because your programmer does not know how to write a script to resize a JPEG for the website preview. I reckon they rejected my application earlier was because of this reason. Yes, I didnt create my artwork in 380 x 400, and if this was really the reason you rejected me, at least you should mention properly why am I rejected instead of saying "I feel this is not suitable".

5. Because they are selling our vector so cheaply, I feel that they are luring "thieves" into buying our vectors and then putting it up for free at file hosting site. The reason why these "thieves" put our vector for free in file sharing site is because of money. However, I will not discuss this matter today as it will take one whole blog entry to explain. "Thieves" will most likely target on cheapest stock agency and buy from them so that their earning margin is higher.

6. They dont have PR (personal relationship). When is the last time you heard about them saying anything at all on the Internet? They dont even have a news column and forum in their site for us to discuss their site related matter and doesnt even bother what everyone is saying about them outside. These are some forum threads about VectorStock and I dont see VectorStock sending a representative to comment.

When you dont send someone to comment and to clear things up, you are basically losing your creditability. Take a look at Graphicleftovers, they are good at PR. I have recently wrote a review about Graphicleftovers, and they really care enough to send someone to comment and to clarify things up. I love them.

7. No marketing effort. I cant see their advertisement anywhere in the Internet.

8. No site upgrade. You never ever see the site improve or degrade before. Do they even have a team of programmers? Have they given up?

As a conclusion, I have decided that I will not upload to them. If you have anything to say about Vectorstock, please comment on the comment box below.

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INCOME and HOURS REPORT December 2015 WAHM Proofreading Amwriting Fiverr

*Check below the income graphic to find out my hours worked and how that shakes out hourly and after taxes.

Lets get some things out of the way before I show you my rockin infographic I made on the FREE site Also, here are the figures for August 2015 at $1,658.

Here is September 2015 at $2,354.

Here is October 2015 at $1,448. (vacation month)

Here is November 2015 at $2,272.

December was crazy busy with proofreading, as youll see on the graphic below. Lots of Fiverr jobs and a couple of outside jobs found me as well. Ive done a ton of BlogHer work but that wont pay until March so youll see a spike then. Trying to get some of the regional parenting magazines to pay is really starting to make me mad and its time to work on the next edition of the book and make sure they get the boot so you dont have similar experiences. Ebooks did well this month only thanks to Kindle Unlimited, where you pay $10 a month and can have up to 10 ebooks on your Kindle at a time, switching them out with others. If people are grabbing my book that way and actually reading the pages, I get paid based on pages read and based on the pot of money of KU subscribers (I am one of them!). So if you get my book on KU, please take the time to flip through it!

WHO am I?
I am the homeschooling mom of 5 kids and wife to Aron. I graduated from community college at the age of 28 with a 2-year Associate of Arts general degree. My work background: waitress, hostess, secretary, office manager at various places. I got many opportunities to learn how to proofread but have no formal training in writing, social media or direct sales. I quit my job in 2001 to stay home with my first son and never went back to work in an office.

WHAT do I do?
Im a blogger, author of books, writer of regional parenting magazine articles, social media maven, proofreader, Jamberry consultant and Younique presenter.

Why I am sharing my income?
I like to show what can be done. I am able to fit in at least 20 working hours per week and usually more while homeschooling my kids, loving on my husband and taking the kids places to have fun (pool, sports, field trips, co-op, playdates, trips, etc.). I am not sharing this to brag or because I think I rock. I am sharing so you know that someone with no English degree can be a writer and a proofreader and make a decent income.

I recently decided to focus on just six main areas of income, as opposed to the way I used to do it, making pennies here and there in way too many online places. Diversification is still very important to online income for me, but by focusing on six areas, balls are not getting dropped and my time is more focused.

** I call Younique and Jamberry income "online" because I dont do vendor events or home parties.

So what you see above is what I RECEIVED ... in my accounts and in the mail as checks. So a lot of that was EARNED before December. So what I EARNED in December is $2,279 and I worked 100 hours this month EVEN ... no joke! ... and Ill try to get better about tracking time I worked on my ebooks so you can see time put in on the front end of that for income on the back end eventually.

If you want to divide $2,279 EARNED in January by 100 hours worked, you get $22.79 per hour. Yes, that sounds great to be working at home all comfy cozy while my kids sleep and then they wake up and we homeschool and have a blast the rest of the day.

KEEP IN MIND, however, that taxes are not paid on that. And that my health insurance is through my husbands work. If you want to take about 20% off the top of that for taxes, just for fun, then I make $18.23 per hour. Still not bad and I set my own hours and dont work with people face-to-face, which rocks for my ADD!!!! I can make more if I rock magazine articles because I spent an hour or so on one and then if its decent it sells again and again, making my bottom line look AMAH-ZING!

The dollar amounts I show are what I actually RECEIVED in my hot little hand or PayPal account, not what I EARNED because things show up at different times and take different amounts of time to come around. Some months I may have a lot of articles in publications but dont show much income ... thats because checks will often show up later and many at one time.

*This is the book I reference that helps me make money writing articles and also brings in a little bit of income all by itself ... I dont hit the article writing very hard because Im super busy with LIFE and MOTHERING and proofreading!

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Rabu, 01 Juni 2016

Pros and Cons of Being an Owner Operator

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

View my Other Posts:

A Holiday Wish
Blogs, Forums and Other Resources
Texting Ban
The Way it Was - A Short History of Trucking
FAQ for the Owner Operator
Anti-Idling Regulations
Definitions and Industry Terms
Blackrock Auxiliary Power Unit (APU)
Interactive Cost per Mile (CPM) Calculator Spreadsheet
Privacy Policy
1) Owner Operator 411 – Welcome
2) Income and Expenses
3) Financing and Credit
4) Operating Authority or Leasing?
5) Equipment
6) How To Do Bookkeeping and Other Necessary Paperwork
7) What You Need to Know About Loadboards
8) Companies That Lease Beginning Owner Operators
9) What You Actually Need to Get Started - Licenses, Permits, Insurance, and Taxes
10) Truck Driving Schools


You are not tied down to a 9-5 job.

You can make a lot of your own decisions.

You can make a decent living.

You get to "be your own boss".

You get to see a lot of this beautiful ol USA (and maybe Canada and Mexico).


You are not working a 9-5 job.  You will put in 20 hours days.  You will go without sleep, food, and showers.  You will do a lot of sitting and waiting.  Waiting to get a load, waiting to get loaded, and waiting to get unloaded.

You will be gone from home - a lot.

You must make a lot of your own decisions:  Do I buy tires, or have the engine rebuilt?  Do I take this cheap a** load so I can get home, or do I sit out here in the boonies for 3 days waiting on a decent paying load?  If I wait on a decent paying load, how much am I going to lose by not working for 3 days?

You can make a decent living, if you work your butt off, but it is getting harder and harder to do.  Every day freight rates are cut and you are forced to haul for less money.  Rates are no higher than they were 20 years ago, and in many instances, they are lower.  Most of the money you make will go back into the truck.

You get to "be your own boss", with all the decisions, troubles, and headaches that come with being a business owner.

I would like for any current truck drivers who may be reading this to add to this list by making a comment.
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5 Great Home Business Ideas for Moms

Starting your own business can seem overwhelming. The good news, is that it doesn’t have to be. You don’t need a sizeable starting cash flow or investors lining up at your door. You can actually start a business with relatively little cash and do it all from your home. All it takes is hard work and a desire to succeed.

So now that the main question regarding cash is out of the way, what business should you start? The answer to this will be based off of what you enjoy, what your skills are, and what you can see yourself doing for an at home business. Below are just a handful of ideas to get you started.

1. Medical Coding

Medical Coding has incredible earning potential, although it will be a bit more challenging to get yourself started.

Medical coding requires training and coding software. Certifications are also needed as it will ensure potential clients of your validity.

As a medical coder, you’ll work with doctors’ offices and hospitals to code documents for insurance purposes. It is up to you to find these clients through networking opportunities and other marketing channels.

One of the biggest issues when starting a medical coding business is the amount of scams that target would-be medical coders. These scams promise to provide software, training, certification, and even clients providing you with incredible revenue. Always remember, if it seems too good to be true, it usually is.

2. Freelance Writing

Freelance writing requires almost no cash to get started. The basics to get started are a computer and email address.

The opportunity for freelance writing is abundant. Marketing firms and departments are beginning to create a plethora of content for their websites. With so much content to create, many marketing teams are turning to freelance writers to get the job done.

The range of topics available to write about are vast. You may be writing about technology, consumer goods, animals, sports, or even marketing. There are a handful of sites that connect you with work needed such as Guru, oDesk, and Textbroker.

Additionally, freelance writing could take you towards the non-profit sector. A grant writer helps connect funders and grant seekers.

3. Pet Sitter/Walker

If you’re an animal person, starting a pet sitting or dog walking business is right up your alley.

A pet owner never wants to leave their pet cooped up inside all day. However, most people are extremely busy with their jobs, their children’s activities, and more. Having the option to leave their dog with a pet sitter is a great alternative.

A great way to get started is through word of mouth. Letting your network know that you are starting a business and looking for clients will help to get the ball rolling. Consider working with apartment communities and home communities to spread flyers about your business.

Additional places to market your services are the dog park and retirement communities. A lot of pet owners at the dog park only get to take their dog there on occasion. Chances are they’ll want their dog out and about a lot more.

Retirement communities are a great place to start because many pet owners in these communities may lack the energy or capabilities to walk their dog.

4. Wedding Planner/Bridal Consultant

Creative, organized, detail oriented and level-headed moms make for great wedding planners. Starting a wedding planning business puts you in an industry that is never going away and only seems to spend more as time goes on.

Weddings have become extremely lavish over the years with increasingly larger budgets. A lot of details go into making a wedding a success and sometimes the bride can’t or doesn’t want to handle it herself. This is where her wedding planner comes in.

You’ll handle all aspects of the big day including tiny details such as table centerpieces all the way to large items such as venue deposits. It takes a very specific type of person to do this job but it can also be an incredibly fulfilling job.

5. Crafter: Sewing, Soap Making, etc.

By now, you’ve probably heard of Etsy. It is a crafter’s version of Amazon with beautifully displayed goods.

Another business venture for the creative mind is to start your own crafting business. Sewing, crocheting, soap making, and more are all different types of businesses a mom can start from home.

Homemade soap has become increasingly popular as consumers become more in-tune with what they are putting on their body. Organic soaps made with various herbs and ingredients make for soothing and deliciously scented baths.

Crafters can sell their goods online, at craft fairs, farmers markets and even through major distributors if you can make a decent splash with your product.

Overall, the possibilities for a home business are endless. These five are great starts and have been successful ventures for many moms out there. Now, it’s time to start your business.

Andrew Fujii is a marketing professional with expertise in digital/web and content marketing. He is also a copywriter for multiple agencies producing copy for blogs, articles, websites, product packaging, mobile apps, and more.

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Top Ten Best Gaming Laptops in 2014

Top Ten Best Gaming Laptops in 2014

Just for Gaming Lovers !!!
Our today topic is Top Ten Best Gaming Laptops in 2014 which are best laptops for gamer lovers. Everyday new games introduce in market and these all games attract gamer but one of the most important thing with games is your existing system which you use for heavy games.
An excellent gaming laptops is actually contact form element so in this way laptop of these days tend to be stronger compared to most effective gaming laptops. As many businesses possess invested lot of time, money and other resources for building these types of laptop computers in order to customers.
If you are laptop user and you also gamer then surely you will prefer your solid PC which you use for your games but not your laptop because the expansion within PC energy has additionally been the benefit with regard to players. As PC video gaming is an business which has grew lot from last few years, along with video games like StarCraft. So, the introduction and because of present demand for computer game games consoles, PC video gaming has become a marketplace for video game business. The programmers also tend to be continuously making brand new video games for PC video gaming marketplace. Gaming laptops are usually the product of preference for video gaming top notch, there are lots of PC players who perform their own video games on the gaming laptops. PC businesses concentrate on making luxurious video gaming laptop computers with regard to customers worldwide, gadgets which present more rapid images credit cards, quick cpus, along with other functions which provide players to get the greatest ease of access using their video games. Here in this post have listed few of the best video gaming laptop computers which available in the market. As selecting high quality for the actual critical top 10 best gaming laptops in 2014.

 Best Gaming Laptops in 2014

1. Alienware 18
Alienware 18
Price:  $64209
  • Processor: 4th Generation (Haswell) Intel Core i7-4900MQ with 4 cores, hyperthreading, 8MB cache and a clock speed of 2.8-3.8GHz
  • Operating system: Genuine MS Windows 8.1 Professional 64-Bit Edition 
  • RAM: 32GB DDR3L-1600
  • Display: 18.4-inch non-touch with 1920 x 1080 resolution 
  • Weight: 5.47kg

2. Origin Eon 17-S
Origin Eon 17-S
Price: $3,499.00
Processor: Intel Core i7
RAM: 32GB Kingston HyperX 1600MHz 
Operating system: Genuine MS Windows 8.1 Professional 64-Bit Edition
Display:  17.3-inch with full 1080p High-Definition
Weight: 3.9KG

3. MSI GT70 20D Dragon Edition 2
MSI GT70 20D Dragon Edition 2
Price: $5529.20
Processor: Intel Quad Core i7 i7-4700MQ ( 3.4 GHz )
RAM: 32 GB
Operating system: Windows 8
Hard Drive: 1 TB - Serial ATA-600

4. Valkyrie CZ-27 V1
Valkyrie CZ-27 V1
Price: $1399.00
Processor: 2.4 GHz i7-3630QM, GTX 680M
RAM: 32 GB
Operating system: Windows 8
Display: 17.3-inch
Weight: 4 kg

5. Battalion 101 W370ST
Battalion 101 W370ST
Price: $1,149.00
Processor: Intel Core i7-4700MQ
RAM: 16GB 
Operating system: Windows 8 
Display: Full HD 1920x1080 LED-Backlit
Hard Drive: 500 GB

6. Digital Storm Carbine
Digital Storm Carbine
Price: $1799.00
Processor:  Intel Core i7-4930MQ
RAM: 32GB 
Operating system: Windows 8
Display: 17-inch with 1920 x 1080 resolution 
Weight: 3.6KG
Hard Drive: 500GB to 1TB

7. Falcon Northwest DRX
Falcon Northwest DRX
Price: $6449.00
Processor: Intel Core-i7 Quad-Core
RAM: 32 Gigabytes of dual-channel DDR3
Operating system:  
Display: 17-inch
Hard Drive: Up to 2 SATA III drives

8. Digital Storm Behemoth
Digital Storm Behemoth
Price: $2534.00
Processor: Intel Core i7 4800MQ
RAM: 128GB
Operating system: Windows 8.1 (64-Bit Edition)
Display: 17.3 Inch with Resolution: 1920 x 1080 LED-Backlit
Hard Drive: 750GB

9. Falcon Northwest TLX
Falcon Northwest TLX
Price: $2,700.00
Processor: Intel Core i7-4800MQ
Operating system: Windows 8
Display: 15.6-inch with 1920x1080 resolution LED-Backlit LCD
Weight: 3.2KG
Hard Drive: 750GB

10. Sager NP 8265
Price: $1473.43
Processor: Intel Core Haswell processor
RAM: 32GB 
Operating system: Windows 8
Display: 15.6-inch full 1080P HD LED

Top 10 Laptop below 300 USD

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A Fun and Lucrative Business Almost Anyone Can Do by Marc Charles

7:22 AM
Hi Gang:
Ive enclosed an article I wrote for International Living.
Enjoy :)

A Fun and Lucrative Business Almost Anyone Can Do
By Marc Charles
I discovered a fun and lucrative business almost anyone can do…from anywhere.
I say “almost anyone” because this is not for everybody. There’s some work involved, a knowledge curve and details that might overwhelm some people.
But, this business is fun, and you can do it “on the road”, in your spare time or work from your kitchen table if you want to.
The idea is to acquire products at deep discounts from more than a hundred countries around the world, and sell the products online at amazing markups.
The greatest obstacle when it comes to selling products online is traffic. You need tons of targeted traffic and qualified buyers (versus tire kickers). The problem is this kind of traffic costs money, unless you can piggyback sites like Amazon, ebay, CraigsList and other shopping sites.
Last week while moderating a forum I set up around this business, I was amazed how people were leveraging this business and making money.
One gentleman from Germany was importing colored computer cables at deep discounts and reselling them on technology shopping sites at huge mark ups.
A young woman, Jenny, is importing Christmas supplies and reselling them to other online retail stores. She’s doing this from her “pantry office” next to the kitchen in Calgary Alberta Canada.
The point is this is a fun and lucrative business almost anyone can do, even if you don’t have a lot of money to get started.
I also discovered a trading exchange that enables entrepreneurs to locate reputable suppliers in other countries and order from them directly instead of going through a middleman. 
I know dozens of entrepreneurs who are leveraging this neat business. You can meet them in this program I’ve developed to help you get started. 
Today, starting a business on a shoestring is much easier than it was 30 years ago—or even five years ago.
Theres nothing wrong with building a big business. I’ve helped dozens of entrepreneurs and start-up ventures do it.
But when you run a business from your kitchen table, a back bedroom, or even “on the road” as your travel you can greatly reduce the downside risk and expense.
Almost anyone can do this business. Plus, the weak economy makes this business even more viable.

Editorsnote:Remember you only have one more day to get Marc’s program with a $100 discount.Try it out. This might be just the right opportunity for you. Sign up to receive it now. URL

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C Program to display the different series output on the screen

C# Program to display the different series output on the screen

Program Statement:
Write a program which display the following output on the screen.
1 2 3 4 5
1 4 9 16 25
1 8 27 64 125

 static void Main(string[] args)
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
Console.Write(i+" ");


for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
Console.Write(i * i+" ");


for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
Console.Write(i * i * i+" ");


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How to Upload Vector to Fotolia

Uploading vector Fotolia is one of the easiest. You will need to prepare only 1 ZIP file. The ZIP file should contains:

  • Vector file saved in EPS8 or EPS10.
  • JPEG in 4000pixels x 4000pixels. Fotolia does not accept image dimension smaller than this.
Go to My Files > Upload new Files.

Upload your ZIP file accordingly.

Fill up this page like the below. A few things that you should take notes are:
  • Title must be short and precise.
  • Enter as much keyword as possible. Make sure the important keyword are moved to the top.
  • Choose 2 categories.
  • Make sure you offer this vector file for Extended License to maximize your sales profit.

Submit and you are done. Wait about 1 day to get approve.

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See my other posts:

A Holiday Wish
Blogs, Forums and Other Resources
The Way it Was - A Short History of Trucking
Pro and Cons of Being an Owner Operator
FAQ for the Owner Operator
Anti-Idling Regulations
Definitions and Industry Terms
Blackrock Auxiliary Power Unit (APU)
Interactive Cost per Mile (CPM) Calculator Spreadsheet
Privacy Policy
1) Owner Operator 411 – Welcome
2) Income and Expenses
3) Financing and Credit
4) Operating Authority or Leasing?
5) Equipment
6) How To Do Bookkeeping and Other Necessary Paperwork
7) What You Need to Know About Loadboards
8) Companies That Lease Beginning Owner Operators
9) What You Actually Need to Get Started - Licenses, Permits, Insurance, and Taxes
10) Truck Driving Schools

Effective IMMEDIATELY (01/26/10), the U. S. Department of Transportation has banned text messaging by drivers of commercial vehicles such as large trucks and buses.

Truck and bus drivers who text while driving commercial vehicles may be subject to civil or criminal penalties of up to $2,750.

You can learn more about driving while distracted at the official U. S. Government Website for Distracted Driving.

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Top 5 Websites To Compile Run Programs Online Online Compilers

As a programmer, till now you have compiled your program on any software in offline mode. Have you experience to compile and run your program online.There are many online compilers are available to compile and run programs of different languages like C, C++ or python.No you do not need to download and install a heavy software or compiler for programming, as you can do it online. I have collected a list of 5 best websites which allows you to write, compile and run a program online. So, now enjoy online programming by visiting

Websites To Compile & Run Programs Online.

 Top 5 Websites To Compile & Run Programs Online || Online Compilers

1. is an online compiler and collaboration tool.This site allows you to write and run code and provide a URL of code which you can share via email and chat. This online compiler is compatible with C, C++, Perl, PHP ,Ruby and many more.You can select any programming language to compile program.


This is best online compiler as well as debugger to debug programs.Just you need to paste source code and click on "RUN". You can make your code private as well as public to share with others. This online compile support more than 40 programming languages like JAVA, Go, Bash,Assembler,Perl 6,SQ L etc.You can choose any language in which you want to run your program.


Compilr is online editor and sand box to write your code.This online compiler is suitable with all browsers like Firefox , Chrome mobile devices and tablet.This compiler is available in 14 different themes. To start programming you have to to do free signup.


This is another best online compiler to write ,compile and run a program. This compiler has extra features like web technologies (j-query,vi Editor,Live script,HTML etc) text formatting (Tex,MathML, ASCII) and support more than 50 programming languages.


This is limited online compiler just support 6 programming languages like C,C++, JAVA,BASIC, PASCAL and FORTRAN. This allows you to save your source code.This compiler is compatible with Window and Linux operating systems.
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Selasa, 31 Mei 2016

January Jammin 2014 Work from Home Income Stop Whining Make Money

January is definitely setting the tone for the year at $1,611.52. If I could keep that up all  year, Id be on track to bring down about $20,000 this year, which would help with so many things (kitchen remodel, paying off my husbands truck, a new PC, new tires for the previously mentioned truck and more!).

As always, I dont post this because Im bragging; I post it as a challenge to you if you want to do what I do. Of course there are those who make much more than I do, but I choose to do what I do with kids underfoot and I can only put in a handful of hours per week. The income potential for you is there, and I just want to share sources and helps with you.

In case you wanted to know, here were Aprils numbers, and then Mays numbers. Then here are Junes numbers, and you can see Im increasing my income every month. July was amazing but not as good as August! September was $1,651.26. October was a little better than that. Heres November. Here was December 2013.

I am in the Stop Whining About Money and Do Something About It Club! Care to join me in 2014? Open enrollment is now and there are lots of new members!

Disclaimers: For the record, I have no reason to lie to you about any of the income I’m reporting, and the most underhanded, nasty, smarmy thing I’m going to do is give you my referral links so I can make a whopping dime or so off of each person who signs up to do what I’m doing! The dollar amounts I show are what I actually RECEIVED in my hot little hand or PayPal account, not what I EARNED because things show up at different times and take different amounts of time to come around.

Just like always: I STILL do not count my eggs before they are in my PayPal account. Now, lets get started:

1. Fiverr. $332. The majority of my income is from proofreading when my kids sleep.

2. Bubblews. $320.84. Just click on the word Bubblews and you can sign up using my referral link and I might make a dime. This is basically a blogging site that you can read more about here. Anyone can join.

3. Regional Parenting Magazine articles, new and reprint: $150. That would be thanks to this little gem, and Im not even really trying or writing anything new. I got busy with proofing and slacked hard on this area, but plan to make a comeback in 2014! My girlfriend also just got a piece published using the email submissions list I have in this book. It works!

4. PostLoop. $5.91 doing not much at all. Im going to send you here because I have a lot of information on this and it needed its own post. Bottom line: probably worth it and potentially $10/hour while you watch TV. *IF YOU SIGN UP UNDER ME USING MY REFERRAL LINK, THANK YOU! PLEASE DO THE 10 POSTS TO GET STARTED; YOU WILL GET POINTS FOR THOSE AND THEN A RATING, THEN YOU CAN CONTINUE ON.

5. Private proofing, formatting, social media jobs: $640

6. BlogHer tweets, Facebook posts and blog ad income: $55.34

7. The Kindle Pixie, my side business helping authors get the attention they deserve: $84.50

8. Ebooks on Amazon: $22.93 is my half after I pay my partner, who designs all my covers and does other misc. wonderful things. I now have 5 ebooks on Amazon with a 6th on the way (Laid-Back Homeschooling) and a 7th (The Kerrie Show Takes on Summer), so I am not to be deterred about this ebook business! Heres how to find my offerings! And heres how to find the ebook below for only 99 cents, which leads to another, free one with tons more markets for online and guest posting venues that pay:

Come back to see February 2014s numbers!

*Yes, I pay taxes on every stinking cent!
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Download Sedra Smith Microelectronic Circuits 6th edition PDF Free Download

Download Sedra Smith Microelectronic Circuits 6th edition PDF Free Download

Download Sedra Smith Microelectronic Circuits PDF

Download Sedra/ Smith Microelectronic Circuits 6th edition ebook free. This book is a popular book on microelectronics. It is on analysis of electronic circuits. The book starts with devices and basic circuits- signals and amplifiers, operational amplifiers, semiconductors, diodes, MOS and BJT transistors. The following chapters dwells into the details of operational amplifiers, then diodes, MOS Transistors, BJTs. The second section contains integrated circuit amplifiers, differential and multistage amplifiers, feedback, output stages and power amplifiers, operational power amplifiers, CMOS Digital logic circuits, advanced MOS and Bipolar Logic Circuits, Signal Generators and Waveform-Shaping Circuits.

Download Now
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Tesla by Marc Charles


6:19 AM


Ive completed my third book on Tesla. A very interesting fella.

Its amazing how Edison and JP Morgan tried to crush Tesla on two (probably more) occasions.

People become oddly vicious when they think someone is going to jeopardize his or her "meal ticket".

When JP Morgan realized Tesla discovered the secret to "free energy for everyone all the time"....and that JP Morgan was unable to "put a meter on it"....he set to destroy, crush, eliminate and whatever him.

This practice is very much alive today!

As an entrepeneur I recommend reading anything "accurate" you can get your hands on about Tesla.

Thats it for today...short post....but powerful :)

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Senin, 30 Mei 2016

30 Magazine Submissions in 30 Days June Day 16 30Submissions30Days

Here is the post that started it all! I suggest you go check it out first before you take on the challenge. You can start the challenge at any time and each days post leads to the next day! Here is yesterdays post, #15.

Here is the piece I am sending out for today. Its also a reprint like Ive been sending and is an evergreen piece. Instead of sending my reprints once and then never again, I think sending them annually is smarter. Editors change, publications come and go, opinions and magazine space change.

I suggest you get a good system down that works for you. I use Excel and in one tab have all the publications and what they have used of mine (so Im not sending a magazine something theyve already used and wasting their time), in another tab I have it arranged by article so I can see when each was published and how it did, another tab for financial stuff like invoice numbers and amounts, and another tab for my submissions plan.

So here is my offering to the magazine gods today, and Ill keep you updated on how it fares. Its already been used three times and I received $85 for it then did nothing more with it!

#16 The Allowance Issue

And here is your #16 tip/step/help for the month:

Some magazines like a photo with an article if you can provide something of quality for free or a small fee. Otherwise, you could at least hit or some other site with free photos for something appropriate to match with your article.

If you want to dust off your ideas and take the challenge with me sometime this summer, comment below and get my book here on Amazon as an ebook or as a print book. My book not only has all the markets you need with contact and pay information, but also embellishes on the tips Im going to be giving you this month to get you going. I recommend the print version (I make the same amount of money either way pretty much) because you are going to want to make notes, cross things out, highlight publications youve worked with, etc.

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