
Rabu, 20 April 2016

Roughing Up Other Writers Im an Article Bouncer!

I like to get really drunk and rough up other writers online. I punch their articles right out of other magazines. (just kidding!)

So a fellow writer wrote me and said this (Ive edited the email severely so its definitely not a quote but its such a great story I had to share ... then below that is my response to her):

Hi Kerrie,

Just wanted to share with you a funny story because I think you bumped me right out of a spot in  the XXX Family Magazine August issue...!!

I sent Jane Editor an essay about blahdy blah way back in November and she liked it so she asked me to follow up with her closer to the summer months.  I followed up in May and she said she would schedule it for the August issue.  I didnt hear back from her again and wondered what happened so I took a look at the August issue online and found your wonderful article on the magazines blog instead!  Doh!

So, Im happy for you!  But sad for me...oh well.  I know I have to keep putting myself out there but this writing business is killing me...I get some great feedback from editors who say they love my stuff and want to/plan to print it, but then I never hear from them again. 

The same thing happened with the XXX Magazine where an editor planned to print a commentary I wrote and asked for revisions and everything. She followed up and told me she planned to print my piece within the next two weeks...and that was back in January.  Dang thing never saw the light of day.  UGH! 

Heres my response:

That stinks. Sorry about that. Ive always had problems with THAT EDITOR doing that ... I open it up expecting to see something she said of mine she would use and then its not there. 

I think you have to keep bugging her, which I dont always have time to do. Now they are switching editors ... if the email changes Ill send out an update if you subscribe to the blog emails. 

Hoping NEW Jane Editor will be all on top of it. All I can offer is KEEP TRYING. The only reason Im in something monthly is that I have about 70 pieces going at once on a reprint list. The odds are ever in my favor, you know? Keep it up. We are all basically writing the same stuff ... its not even always about who did it better ... just who is top of mind or which pub has the more organized editor. I am putting this on the blog ... to maybe help encourage others?????

Keep at it!!!!!!!!!!!! Or just scrap the RPMs and go for the nationals. Maybe thats your thing instead!


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