
Minggu, 24 April 2016

Februarys Fabulous 2014 Work From Home Income Stop Whining Make Money!

February is a month I decided to slow down. I learned how to put my Fiverr gigs on Vacation Mode and took the opportunity to chill a little bit and do some decluttering around my house.  February still came in at  $1,141.95.  Its nice to not have to freak out when we find out insurance is done paying for my sons braces; paying for gymnastics is no problem anymore; and when I got a flat tire blow-out to the tune of $150, that same day I had money to cover it in PayPal from BlogHer social media things I had done. Every little bit helps!

As always, I dont post this because Im bragging; I post it as a challenge to you if you want to do what I do. Of course there are those who make much more than I do, but I choose to do what I do with kids underfoot and I can only put in a handful of hours per week. The income potential for you is there, and I just want to share sources and helps with you.

In case you wanted to know, here were Aprils numbers, and then Mays numbers. Then here are Junes numbers, and you can see Im increasing my income every month. July was amazing but not as good as August! September was $1,651.26. October was a little better than that. Heres November. Here was December 2013. And here was January.

I am in the Stop Whining About Money and Do Something About It Club! Care to join me in 2014? Open enrollment is now and there are lots of new members!

Disclaimers: For the record, I have no reason to lie to you about any of the income I’m reporting, and the most underhanded, nasty, smarmy thing I’m going to do is give you my referral links so I can make a whopping dime or so off of each person who signs up to do what I’m doing! The dollar amounts I show are what I actually RECEIVED in my hot little hand or PayPal account, not what I EARNED because things show up at different times and take different amounts of time to come around.

Just like always: I STILL do not count my eggs before they are in my PayPal account. Now, lets get started:

1. Fiverr and other private proofreading. $360. The majority of my income is from proofreading when my kids sleep.

2. Bubblews. $209.36. Just click on the word Bubblews and you can sign up using my referral link and I might make a dime. This is basically a blogging site that you can read more about here. Anyone can join. I made less here than other months because of the way the payments worked out. Ive started to cash out only on Sundays at around $80 each time so it takes about a week for the payment to clear. Numbers should be higher for March.

3. Regional Parenting Magazine articles, new and reprint: $190. That would be thanks to this little gem, and Im not even really trying or writing anything new. I got busy with proofing and slacked hard on this area, but plan to make a comeback in 2014! My girlfriend also just got a piece published using the email submissions list I have in this book. It works!

4. PostLoop. $5.73 doing not much at all. Im going to send you here because I have a lot of information on this and it needed its own post. Bottom line: probably worth it and potentially $10/hour while you watch TV. *IF YOU SIGN UP UNDER ME USING MY REFERRAL LINK, THANK YOU! PLEASE DO THE 10 POSTS TO GET STARTED; YOU WILL GET POINTS FOR THOSE AND THEN A RATING, THEN YOU CAN CONTINUE ON.

5. BlogHer tweets, Facebook posts and blog ad income, as well as a nice check from AdSense: $342.15

6. Ebooks on Amazon: $34.71. I now have 4 ebooks on Amazon, so I am not to be deterred about this ebook business! Heres how to find my offerings!

*Yes, I pay taxes on every stinking cent!

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